Eyelash extensions have been used for centuries to enhance natural lashes and give a more dramatic look to the eyes. In recent years, there has been a trend towards newer types of eyelash extension, including pre-made fan lash extensions, YY eyelash extensions and segmented lashes. But, with all of these new options available, does anyone still use classic eyelash extensions?

The answer is yes. While newer types of lash extensions have become popular, classic eyelash extensions are still widely used. Many people still prefer the classic look they offer, and they are easier to customize to fit the individual’s personal style.

One reason classic eyelash extensions are still used is that they offer a more dramatic look. They are ideal for those who desire fuller, more dramatic lashes and are willing to spend more time and money on achieving their desired look.

Classic eyelash extensions are also highly customizable. Different lengths, thicknesses, and curl patterns can be used to create a unique and personalized look that suits each individual’s eye shape and face. This customization allows for a more detailed and precise look that cannot always be achieved with newer styles of eyelash extension.

Who is not suitable for eyelash extensions

Another reason some people still prefer classic eyelash extension is that they can be more cost-effective in the long run. While pre-made fan lashes and segmented lashes may be more affordable initially, they can require more frequent replacements than classic extensions. Classic eyelash extensions, on the other hand, can last up to six weeks with proper care and maintenance.

Additionally, classic eyelash extensions can save time. While they may take longer to apply initially, they require less upkeep than other types of extensions and do not have the risk of falling out or losing their shape over time.

In conclusion, while newer types of eyelash extension have gained popularity in recent years, classic eyelash extensions are still used and preferred by many for their dramatic and customizable look, cost-effectiveness, and time-saving benefits. Ultimately, it is up to each person to decide which type of false eyelash is best for them. Whether it be classic extensions or newer styles, the most important thing is to choose a type that makes you feel confident and beautiful.