When we curl eyelash every day, many of us will not only curl up eyelashes, but also pay more attention to lower eyelashes, lower eyelash can appear the eye is bigger better lookings, nevertheless clip lower eyelash need certain skill.
Today Our lash will give some tips on how to clip down eyelashes in details. Yes Ourlash is a lash factory, we make eyelashes but we also make private eyelash curlers as per our customer’s request. Don’t forget Our Lash only make high quality lashes, if you don’t have a good supplier for lashes and lash accessories, don’t forget you have the choice of Ourlash high-end products.
Before clip the lashes, choose a suitable eyelash curler that is easy to use and has a curved eye shape.
In addition to the material differences, plastic and metal eyelash curlers are usually spring-loaded on the handle. They help control the force of use and prevent the lash from being snapped too hard, making them ideal for beginners. But for people who’re skilled to use this, metal eyelash curler without spring will be more convenient to control the strength and make curls effect. In addition, clip caliber to be able to match the curvature of the eye.Eye contour a bit deeper suitable clip radian also deep point eyelash curler; The eye contour is a bit flat, a bit longer can choose aperture is flat a bit, a bit lighter eyelash curler. Also, when shopping, don’t forget to try nipping. Feel the rubber pad of eyelash curler is elastic, and check the rubber pad on the clip, feel whether smooth, there is no level off the gap, when you press fit enough. Finally, check the entire eyelash curler for undefined angles and bumps to prevent a bad texture from injuring your face. Eyelash curler should be used smoothly, the key is to see where the line of sight of the eye falls.

The method that uses eyelash curler commonly is: the eye is downward inclined look to the place of 45 degrees, clip eyelash curler next root of eyelash, exert oneself gently, next eyelash curler one side is pulled gently, move toward eyelash end by root of eyelash forward.
If hold uncertainly angle and position really, might as well place on the table one side stands, the small mirror that can adjust an angle, when the eye looks at a mirror slightly downward tilt, can find the position of curler eyelash. In addition, the elbow of that hand that takes eyelash curler when clip is fixed at table top can have the effect of stable support.
But today we’re going to focus on how to curl down eyelashes step by step:
STEP1: The gesture that takes eyelash clip correctly is to use thumb and ring finger, forefinger middle finger little finger has fixed effect, let eyelash clip use rise more save effort also more stable.
STEP2: Eyelash curler does not want to go up vertically clingy eye, should become warped slightly clingy eyelash root, press gently next, let eyelash curler and eye show 30° or so, the eyelash curl that such clip comes out just good-looking and natural.
STEP3: The method that raises eyelash curler gently with upward curler eyelash, the eyelash that such curler comes out is natural those who become warped upward.
STEP4: Before curler eyelash root begins, the radian of eyelash curler must align with the radian of oneself eyelash root, keep consistent.
STEP5: Start from the root of eyelashes, press inwards and lift the eyelashes gently.
Once again, pull the eyelash curler forward a little and then again, up to the head of the eyelash.
STEP6: Use small eyelash curler or lower eyelash curler to curate the eyelash head and eyelash tail eyelashes that cannot be curbed by large eyelash curler.
STEP7: Use lower eyelash special eyelash curler to clip eyelash root once, lower eyelash can look particularly long.