Today we’ll talk about the development of lash factory. As a fashion guy you might have known well about the fake eyelashes already,you can easily speak out several kinds of fake eyelashes such as mink fur lash extensions, human hair strip lashes, even magnetic strip lashes. But please wait to say you have a big knowledge of fake eyelashes, do you know how the lashes were made or do you know how a lash factory works does?
The lash factory are mostly located in China,in the country and less developed area in China. This is not hard to understand, the high quality fake eyelashes need all hand-made and it’s a labor incentive product, there is an abundant supply of cheap labors in the country and the less developed areas. But only cheap labors are not enough, that’s the other thing you don’t know,the eyelashes factory are concentrated in one town in a country level city in China , cause the eyelashes is not only a labor incentive product, the technician and skilled workers are the most necessary. The lash town start to do hand-made lashes at the early beginning,firstly they only do some hand procedures and then more and more people join this .
Just pick up any kind of one fake eyelashes, looks simple? Seems yes but the fact is no, it has a quite complex procedures. One slite eyelash contains more than ten working procedures, so flow process was used well in lash factory. Most of the workers are women as to combine a complete product need a dexterous hand, the menfolk can’t do it well, especially some special procedures need women’s long nails. During the past thirty years or more, lash factory used to be a family working shop and many farmers became rich rely on it. Now things are different, more and more people and enterprise realized the opportunity of fake eyelashes line and the past working shop are combined as scaled lash factories. They normalization the production line and have our own development teams to design new styles and products, and they also build sales team so that the good lashes can serve the beauties all over the world.
Thousands of lash factories make the lash industry in fierce competition, but it’s also a good news for consumers,lower price and new products are always welcomed in the market. Many hands provide great strength,we can expect one day the fake eyelashes can be same as your own lashes, same comfortable, same firm and same durable. Or maybe you can expect to use the high tech lash product to do the lash extensions yourself.
Let’s look forward to it together.