As you know, Our Lash is a lash factory in China. If you’ve decided to start a false eyelash factory, there are certain things you need to consider in order to make it successful. One of the most important factors is equipment and supplies, which you’ll need to create and package your false eyelashes. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  1. Find a location: You’ll need a space that is big enough to hold all of your supplies and equipment, as well as your employees. Look for a place that is close to transportation routes, as you’ll need to receive and ship out eyelash materials and the lashes products.
  1. Buy equipment: You’ll need to invest in machinery that can create the eyelashes, including things like electric oven (to do curly of lashes), tweezers, scissors, forms, and molds. You’ll also need a packaging machine to seal up the finished eyelash product.
  1. Get supplies: False eyelashes are made from synthetic fibers (we call it PBT fiber), so you’ll need to buy a variety of different thicknesses and colors. And others are made by real animal hairs, you’ll need to buy a variety of different hairs. You’ll also need glue, packaging material ( tape, box and OPP bag), and other supplies to help get your eyelashes ready for sale.
  1. Hire employees: You’ll need a team of people to help you create, package, and ship out the false eyelashes. Make sure you hire people with experience in this field, as it can be quite technical and requires a steady hand.
  1. Develop a marketing plan: You’ll want to develop a marketing plan that targets people who are interested in purchasing false eyelash in bulk. This could involve social media advertising, influencer partnerships, or other methods that help get the word out about your eyelash products.
  1. Focus on quality: False lashes need to be precise and well-made if they are going to stick to people’s eyelids and look natural. Be sure to emphasize quality in every part of your process, from the materials you use to the manufacturing process to the packaging.
  1. Be prepared to pivot: As with any business, you may find that your initial plan needs to be adjusted over time. Stay flexible and be prepared to pivot if necessary in order to stay competitive and meet the needs of your customers.

By keeping these factors in mind, you’ll be on the path to opening a false eyelash factory. If you have any other questions, please contact with OUR LASH, we are an eyelash manufacturer for more than 12 years. Good luck!