Hello everyone, we’re Our Lash factory, today I’ll continue with the solutions to the disadvantages of eyelash extension.

We do eyelash extensions wholesale and we know well about our clients demands, so when you introduce the shortcomings of eyelash extension in my previous articles to your customer, what will you advise your customer to do?

To prevent the disadvantages, we mainly offer the solutions in daily maintenance and eyelash extension characteristics, and then we’ll look for coping strategies.

First, from the perspective of daily maintenance, we can have the following methods:

1) in the daily maintenance after eyelash extensions, it is particularly important to use the correct washing method for the skin, do not rub it too hard and avoid your cleanser touch your lashes.

2) relieve by applying a protective layer or mascara, there’re also professional eyelash care solution, but remember do not use any liquid within 24 hours of your eyelash extensions.

3) Before eyelash extensions, you can use eyelash growth fluid to make eyelashes longer and thicker

4) Try to sleep on your back or on your side with lashes off the pillow on your first few days after eyelash extensions.

5) prevent allergic inflammation

6) skin contact test can be conducted in advance

7) symptoms can be alleviated by applying ointment first (NAI protective ointment)

8) Use high quality of different materials eyelash extensions, there are real mink lashes, faux mink lashes and silk lashes, someone may be allergic to certain materials, choose the best one for such person by using different materials.

Secondly, from the perspective of grafting characteristics, we can have the following methods:

9) do not perm or curl your lashes with a mechanical curler

10) semi-permanent is better, although the cost is slightly higher, there are many advantages. Because of the daily exposure to the sun and wind, there are ru-residue, their own oil secretion, the eyelash root easy to grow bacteria,our naked eye is not able to directly see some dirty things, even the best glues cannot stick with dirty eyelashes very strong, but also increase the burden of eyelashes. Removing and regrafting can clean the eyelashes very well, instead of blindly pursuing two or three months without shedding, eyelashes themselves also have growth cycle, health and safety are what we should pursue. The most important thing is , Never attempt to remove your lash extensions yourself – they must be professionally removed.

11) to offer consultation service on the health and physical condition of eyelashes when clients come to your shop first day.

12) some problems can be prevented and solved through daily maintenance, and get in contact with any questions or concerns.

So make a note if you think my advice are useful, no matter you’re the boss or an eyelash artist, trust you will benefit from your effort and care.