Our Lash will talk about good anti-aging method today.

Who doesn’t want to stay young and beautiful? However, the concept of anti-aging, not only there are too many misunderstandings and interpretation, and itself is a huge and complex concept. Especially when you do not understand how anti-aging is an internal cause and effect, blindly skin care, eat health care products, medical beauty, but will be counterproductive.

What are the best ways to fight aging?

As we all know, human beings, as an organism in nature, our own internal genes and cells, while maintaining the physiological needs of our body, are also constantly associated, exchanged and consumed with various external substances. Aging is the natural process and result of such association, exchange and depletion.

That sounds like a mouthful. Let’s take the story of the rubber band as an example.

Let’s say you use a rubber band to tie your hair every day. Every time you use it, the rubber band is pulled apart, rubbed against your hair, wound in a loop, and secured.

Start everything is normal, but after you use the gears, a rubber band will begin to more and more loose, elasticity worse and worse, the top of the elastic will also have crack and break, finally one day, a rubber band by huge crack and break torture don’t stay up, pa, flying, thoroughly broken, discarded, and your hair in the future on which also can’t do it,you had to let your hair down.

Actually we human body with its own cell, gene, organ in the body, etc., is the relationship between the hair with a rubber band, when these cells, genes, organ or exchange reaction with the outside world, time grows, can appear all sorts of mutation and degradation, which lost the original functions, will eventually lead to our body’s aging and other changes.

For example, when our body breathes every day and our skin touches the air all the time, it will produce oxidation reaction. When the body overoxidizes, it will cause accelerated aging, inflammation and pigmentation of skin, human cells and organs, and the most serious may even lead to tumor, disease and death.

But it seemed impossible not to breathe, not to let the air touch the skin.

So scientists had to look for ingredients and tools to slow down the oxidative reaction and suppress the inflammation, which we now refer to as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory.

Of course, the above example of excessive oxidation is only one of the causes of human aging. With the development of The Times, people have found more and more causes of human aging, including cell division and mutation theory, telomeres theory, hormone theory and so on.

In a word, as the most complex and sophisticated “machine” in the world, people will inevitably go to aging and death as soon as they are born and their body functions start to operate.

So the question is, given that there are so many causes of aging, how can we fight it?

Just said that the factors of aging are diverse, so theoretically speaking, so far, the world does not have a method can let you once and for all, there is no method to help you “rebel against heaven to change your life”.

Although science and technology progress to now, as an anti-aging skin care industry the most tempting project, has always been all scientists and the people had high hopes, but it’s a pity that so far, human also have no way to influence a person’s DNA and cell division.

Therefore, the truly correct anti-aging method should also be multi-channel, multi-channel and multi-way, which includes:

  1. Prevention in advance;
  2. Proper cleaning and moisturizing;
  3. Strict sunscreen;
  4. Pay attention to anti-inflammatory and antioxidant;
  5. Maintain physical and mental health and pleasure;
  6. Natural and healthy diet and rest;
  7. Replenish water and trace elements;
  8. Work and rest on time, regular life;
  9. Selective medical cosmetology;

The nine points mentioned above are “nine Golden Anti-agings” summary and you can compare yourself to these nine points. If not, your anti-aging strategy is not complete or flawed.

That’s all for today’s post. If you need wholesale mink lashes or eyelash trays in bulk, you could contact with us.